Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What the Heck is a Kegel?


What does “Kegel exercise" mean to you?   Have you ever done exercises for your pelvic floor? Do you know what your pelvic floor is?
Your pelvis and the tilt of your pelvis, the muscles in your pelvis are very important for going to the bathroom (1&2), balance, posture and some types of hip and low back pain, sciatica and leg pain. You see where I am going here.  Most of us never think about our pelvis, pelvic floor we just take it for granted.  Well this kind of thinking does not bring us into old age gracefully! 

First and foremost the muscles at the bottom of your torso are so important for back stabilization, a strong pelvic diaphragm prevents urinary and fecal incontinence. It promotes good vaginal, uterine, prostrate and urethra health and with a strong pelvic floor less likelihood of having back pain.
So how do you even know where to start?  The first step is to start working your urethra but stopping the flow of urine when you go to the bathroom.  Next I would say check into Pilates.  Pilates focus’ on abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor muscles (core) as well as working every muscle in your body.  It works your mind and body, and I think it is good for your soul! 

Gaining body awareness through Pilates can change everything, posture, balance, movement, strength and alignment.  Awareness is the key. 
Having control over muscles you never knew existed is kind of mind blowing! Once you start working these muscles more blood flows to these areas and you have better control over everything. So this also helps erectile dysfunction(ED).  If you can get blood into the area that calls for blood then you may not need a blue pill!   

That goes for the vagina too.  If you have strong muscles down below, you are less likely to have issues with prolapse and uterine decent. We all want to keep it tight and keep everything up there.  Also if you have problems with feeling or pain in the pelvic region, Pilates can really help improve these symptoms.
Like any work out Pilates and strengthening your pelvic floor takes patience and some work.
Take control of your body and be able to age gracefully.

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