Thursday, July 3, 2014

Are You Fat Phobic?

Fat! Apparently nobody wants it, everyone has it and most are afraid of it. Hence fat phobia! The media has taught men that fat women aren't good enough. But, it's ok if they are fat! By the way, many women believe this to be true.  Thanks for that.

Often woman are not even aware of the low self worth they feel. Do subservient woman who wear scarves on their heads have feelings like this? Are they even allowed to have feelings of self-love?  Am I ignorant?

 Why, do men want skinny bitches? Having sex with someone bony doesn't sound too pleasurable to me. It sounds painful, but what the hell do I know. I'm f-ing fat!

Most women have a problem with the word fat. Some cry at the word fat. They cry if they are called fat. It is so sad.  Ive been called fat and a bitch, oooooh the truth, it doesnt sting badly anymore.

Fat is considered politically incorrect. Over weight, thats the term we fat people can live with.  I'm fat and I admit it. I will not be judged by the size of my ass!  I am strong and have a great amount of muscle, though still 30 lbs "overweight". It really sucks because I love chocolate, sugar, bread all the things that make and keep you fat.

 Why as a society, do we judge people on their size and weight, woman more than men?  Why is it ok to be a fat man, but not a fat woman? Discrimination? When is someone not too fat? Who is the judge? Penis people (men)? I believed I was fat even when I wasn't. 

I don't know that I will ever see myself as thin even if I am.  Even when I was normal body size, I didn't believe it! Ok how fucked up is that? Where do men find the skinny ones? First of all most of them are crazy!

With so many fat women, it's no wonder men on dating sights are like vultures for the hotties. Really, if 2/3 of women are overweight something has got to give. Hey fat chicks need love too!

I think women in general have low self worth, fat, thin or indifferent. I have worked on this for a long time and I really believed I wasn't worthy.  Worthy (or not worthy) of what I'm not quite sure, there are so many things. I couldn't be loved because I was fat, never good enough. I only broke 2 bills once!

Women who are afraid of fat workout a lot and/or starve themselves. I think many may not realize their fear. And I get it. I think fat women are discriminated against with clothing, airplane seats, and in many other ways.  Lululemon and Abercrombie don't even want fat people in their stores. No fat thighs in our pants.  If two thirds of the population is fat who buys the clothes?
In 30 years when our planet is burning up and it is survival of the fittest for food and water, the fat people are going to be a hot commodity. They will have money, food and water.

I have really accepted who I am. I accept reality. I can also do something about it and I have been.  I have been working hard on the mental piece of shedding the fat. Even though I am only about 25 pounds overweight, I see myself as fat. What asshole put that in my brain? When I was asked to describe myself, not so long ago it was "900 lbs soaking wet.

Maybe it was a joke, but I really believed it and felt like it! Losing weight is a total mind game.  Your head has to be in it, the madness comes from your head. You must be so aware, body and mind awareness. I must manage all my thoughts and feelings, because all the craziness that goes with the fat mental state can send you to the insane asylum.

I talk to a lot of fat people. Their wacked out heads drives you nutty! For me to change this mindset it has taken a lot of prayer and meditation.  I have had to go deep into myself to see the real truth; you would think the truth would be easier to swallow than my batty head!  It is so difficult to love and accept ourselves. It takes so much mental action. I have to shrink myself constantly, thoughts, actions, mind games and reality!